Bird genealogy>> Order Passeriformes >> Family Buphagidae
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Tarangire National Park


Make Nikon D300
Lens Nikkor AF-S VR 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6G   at 450 mm
Exposure 1/1250 s, f/5.6, ISO not available 
Image size 480 x 600 pixels

IOC Names

Deutsch  Gelbschnabel-Madenhacker Dutch  Geelsnavelossepikker
Italian  Bufaga beccogiallo Spanish  Picabueyes piquigualdo


Small loose flocks of these yellow-billed Oxpeckers feed on large animals such as hippos, giraffes (as here) or buffalos.

  All photos are copyright protected. No use without express consent Authors are grateful for comments.

Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Buphagus africanus
Piquebœuf à bec jaune

Jean-Michel PAULUS